Hey people,
about a year ago I made this post about my Discord Bot and it has evolved very nicely since. I feel like it is more or less "complete" now and has been battle tested quite a lot. I personally am quite proud of what I made and I want to share it with the community. Although I don't play KZ anymore I still like working on this bot and giving back, so if you encounter any issues or have suggestions feel free to submit them either via /report
or a GitHub issue! If you want to invite the bot, use this link. If you want to read about the bot and look at some screenshots, you can checkout the Wiki.
You can invite the bot here
The TL;DR is: lot's of commands!
- /apistatus
- /bmaptop
- /bpb
- /btop
- /bwr
- /db
- /help
- /map
- /maptop
- /mode
- /nocrouch
- /pb
- /profile
- /random
- /recent
- /report
- /setsteam
- /top
- /unfinished
- /wr